New Delhi (India), March 23: Tamil Nadu Police has started to take great initiative against crime. The state police is doing everything in their power to reduce the crime rates in Tamil Nadu. Where on one hand, the police department is working to monitor the activities of criminals, on the other, the decision to maintain hi-tech records of criminal database has been taken. Tamil Nadu police has decided to install such SLAP Scanners that not only will be equipped with latest technology, but also will help maintain and access criminal database and records on a national level. For the purpose, Transline Technologies Limited which is already working on a national level has been selected. Arun Gupta, the managing director of Transline Technologies Ltd has said that the company will provide work related to AFIS project to the Tamil Nadu State Criminal Records Bureau. Along with this, the company will deliver 1923 SLAP scanners to the department.
Arun Gupta also said that it is hoped that Transline Technologies Limited can play a positive role in the department’s initiative to reduce crime. According to him, equipping the bureau with the version 7 of “Fingerprint Analysis Tracking System” shall help the state department to connect easily with the central database and create a more solid network of database and records for criminals in the state. The Managing Director of Transline Technologies Limited, Mr. Arun Gupta also said that the project will help the state department to match finger prints of criminals with the record database in a faster manner and it shall help the police department in an unparalleled manner Transline Technologies Limited believes that after the supply of scanners, the bureau shall able to create a biometric database record that will help the police department work more efficiently with the digital age and shall help reduce crime in the state.
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